Need a Speaker for Your Next Event?
As much as Brenda thrives on working one-on-one and in Tribes with individuals to help them build meaningful friendships, she also enjoys delivering workshops, powerful messages of hope & thought-provoking inspiration to groups of 5 to 25,000. Book a consultation call with Brenda to discuss your next event!
Popular topics include:
Find Your Lady Tribe
​Find Friends, Deepen Friendships, and Build your Tribe of support
Ignite Your Purpose
Find Your WHY that goes Beyond the Roles you Serve. It was there Before they were. Rediscover your Passion
Unlock your Relationship Potential
Attachment Styles and Friend-making Magic
What do you Do?
Stand out Finding Friends and Networking Strategies for business and personal goals.
Is your Comfort Zone Killing your Dreams?
10 ways to Stretch and Revive your Aspirations
Six Phase Meditation Practice​​

Women's History Month
March 2024
Brenda presented for the virtual
Women's Spirit Festival