A place to connect to a new community of like-minded women who gather to learn and explore new ways to ignite their purpose, create more meaningful friendships & live a joy inspired life

Monthly Connection
The Discovery Tribe groups gather monthly to learn more about themselves, each other, and grow in individual authenticity and friendship.
Led by author and certified coach Brenda Ridgley, each month we will discuss a pre-released "ME-Sheet" with exercises in personal and relationship growth.
This is a time of self-care, reflection, and learning how to build deep bonds in friendship. We will expand our circle of support beyond our family creating a
Tribe of support.

Quarterly Workshops
Every few months we will learn from a visiting Thought Leader who will share on various topics important to many midlife women.
Here are just a few of the many subjects we have to look forward to:
Managing our Mindset, Core Identity & Beliefs
Unleash the Pleasure Within! Discover, Honor & Communicate Sexual Desire
Menopause Misinformation, Maladies and Medicinals
The Eight Facets of Health and Wellness

Best Value
Discovery Tribe Membership
Every month
Connect to a new community of like-minded women who gather to learn and explore their purpose
Valid until canceled
Monthly gathering of connection, coaching, & personal growth
Quarterly Whole YOU Expert talk/workshop
Online Member's only forum to connect between sessions
Discounts on Retreats & Coaching Program
No contracts, no commitments, cancel anytime
Special Introductory Price (until canceled) Regular price$99
Connections for a Lifetime
Discovery Tribe Members will be invited to a members-only forum to connect between gatherings, share inspiration & encouragement, and ask for support.
This is YOUR Tribe!
Connect and be seen & heard. Rediscover your sense of belonging by finding your Tribe. Reconnect to your Passions and Purpose!
Design your Life on your terms!